How to make a refund with PayPal

To perform a refund with PayPal is very easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to PayPal’s Website

Login to

Step 2: Log in with your account

Enter your username (e-mail) and password.

Step 3: Find the transaction

You will appear in your PayPal control panel. There, you will find the transaction in two different ways

If the transaction is recent

You will find it on this same page where recent transactions appear. Find the person you are interested. Then click on “Issue Refund“. You will appear on a new page where you must confirm by clicking “Continue“.  

Keep in Mind: You can check the number of ticket by passing the cursor in front of:

If the transaction is not new

You must go to search transactions by clicking “History >>> Basic Search“. There you will see your balance on the header, and on the right side, two boxes where you must enter the date of booking and then click on “Show”. The refund process is the same as in the previousparagraph click on “Issue Refund“. You will appear on a new page where you must confirm by clicking “Continue“.

Keep in Mind: once you have made the refund, PayPal will refund you the commission that had charged for the transaction, if, and only if, the return is made within a maximum period of 60 days after the sale.

Now you know everything you need to know about how to make refunds with PayPal!

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